5 Seasonal Vegetables that you can find at the market in Winter

5 Products that you cannot miss to have in your fridge in December, January and February

Greens' Mama
2 min readDec 9, 2020
Photo by ja ma on Unsplash

With the beginning of a new season, new products are produced are meant to be in our fridges!
Offered by mother nature every year, these ingredients are constantly available in local markets and groceries stores.

An additional fact that probably you don’t know is that these products are way cheaper than other vegetables when they are seasonal!

For this reason, Green’s Mama had thought about you and it is here to present you 5 Seasonal Vegetables that you can find in December, January and February in order to warm up your stomach and these cold winter days!


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1. Beetroot

2. Broccoli

3. Cauliflower

4. Mushrooms

5. Pumpkin


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1. Fennel

2. Lettuce

3. Leek

4. Radicchio

5. Potatoes


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1. Cucumber

2. Carrots

3. Celery

4. Onion

5. Spinach

Did you know of these seasonal vegetables or did you discover them here? If so, which ones?

Let me know by writing me a direct on Instagram on @greens_mama profile.



Greens' Mama

🇮🇹 Pensato per studenti universitari che vivono on-budget 🇬🇧 Created for university students who live on-budget