Greens’ Mama (ENG)
The new vegetarian blog thought for university students who live on-budget
Author: Jessica Spolverato
Are you a university student who lives on-budget?
Are you interested in what being vegetarian means, what implies and how to become one but you don't know how?
This is the right spot!
The concept started from a student (me) who adopted this type of diet since the beginning of the quarantine due to Covid-19 in March 2020.
At the moment, I am studying in the Netherlands and like you I know what it means to live on-budget, cooking for yourself and manage your busy schedule can be difficult at times! Not always, it’s easy to find time to create great recipes.
Therefore, in those weeks get ready to check this blog out and discover new pieces of content every week created from a student for students.
In the next blog posts, you will discover what vegetarianism stands for, what type of food you can consume and which ones are excluded from the diet, how many Italian people are vegetarian today, and which countries in the world have the biggest amount of vegetarians among the population since the B.C centuries.
Probably, you are wondering how this blog would be different from others and how it will help you in your everyday life.
Don’t worry! Everything will be defined in the next four weeks where you will not just face anecdotes and interesting facts about the vegetarian diet but also you will explore how and why this nutrition adopted since the ancient times until now is beneficial for the environment.
“You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them.”
— Wangari Maathai
In collaboration with the IG account @greens_mama